What do I get on each cdrom?
- Look at the list for each cdrom. If you are buying
ComicsOnCDRom© you generally get from 4 to 7 complete comic
books, including the covers, ads and all pages. Each comic is there
in it's entirety and in FULL COLOR !!!
- Each PulpsOnCDRom© disc has over 200 cover images from
the great pulps of the first half of our century into the 1950's.
Clean crisp images of the fabulous pulps. Sorry, no pulp texts are
included, but we're working on that one....
- COOL EXTRAS !! Each CDRom has a section on the history of
comics with images, chronologies, histories, interviews other great
stuff. each cdrom has hundreds of sample images from other cdroms
availble from ComicsOnCDRom©, and each disc has the full
Netscape Communicator Suite.
Do ComicsOnCDRom© work in MACINTOSH
Will Graffix Multimedia be releasing more
ComicsOnCDRom© & PulpsOnCDRom© titles in the future?
- You bet we will. Graffix Multimedia has several hundred
cdrom titles planned for the future. A list of coming cdroms is
available at coming attractions.
Will you be putting Marvel and DC comics on
- We do not have plans to do them soon, though we are in
negotiations to bring many other great comics to you
Why do I need a sound card?
- Actually you do not need a sound card, but there is some
background music in different sections throughout the disc. If you
would like to hear the music, a sound card is neccessary.